
They say that “Charity begins at home.”  However, U.S. Congress is concerning itself with Rwanda without a single one on the senseless killing of many innocent black men by cops, who’ve gotten off with a slap on the wrist if that.   This week the Committee of Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations held a hearing titled “Developments in Rwanda.” Chairman Chris Smith the Republican Representative from NJ 4th District since 1981,  led the hearing.   images

Taking the Global Human Rights component of the subcommittee, how come there hasn’t been a hearing on Ferguson, Baltimore, NY to mention a few of the thousands of cases senseless killings of Black Americans???!!!  The countless violations of human rights by cops are yet to be as scrutinized by the committee like Rwanda.

black-on-black-crimeBlack Americans dying at the hands of cops everyday, but oh no, Smith more concerned with Rwanda where millions are working hard to put food on the table with a government whose top priority is the wellbeing of citizens.

Mr. Smith and co. how about a hearing on the violations by U.S. Law enforcement officers who swear to protect citizens and are instead killing them??!!  I bet the Rwanda Police would be a great example for them as they don’t go around killing innocent people on the streets of Rwanda.

More to come…..

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