
Agaciro – dignity and value – by far has been one of the most inspiring and life changing principles emphasized by President Kagame.  He not only speaks of Agaciro but relentlessly pursues & stands up for it, EVERYDAY.  Are we doing the same? 

I’ve been reflecting on how Agaciro manifests itself in my life and thought to share in hopes we can have a discussion and inspire one another as we pursue that which brings dignity and value to our lives. 

To begin, 

1. Agaciro means working for and giving my best not only for myself, but also for those I love and fellow Rwandans/Africans here today/future generations.  Goals set achieved or missed – failed for one reason or another, I give it my best! When it is all said and done, there is no regret and I rest knowing I did all I could and achieved or learned.  

For the goals you have set, personally and professionally, are you giving it your all? If not, why not? Is it something you can do or need courage walk away from? Are you content with your best effort or can you do more? 

Until next time….

Published in Uncategorized


I'm a passionate advocate for inclusive socio-economic development in Africa, particularly girls and women's empowerment.

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