
I previously wrote about doing what it takes to achieve results.  Continuing in the same spirit, to me Agaciro means in pursuing great results, we must create a environment conducive for success.  We therefore can’t afford to settle for less that what we, our people and future generations deserve.  We must use each day to fullfil the mission of dignity and value in all aspects of my work.  
The work of changing mind sets to transform Rwanda into a cashless is daunting and has been the most challenging but equally exciting experience of my professional life – I’m better for it.  One particular situation stands out as it tested me to the core and it is being reminded of that message “Agaciro ni ukukiha” i.e. you give your yourself value, which woke me up to doing something about it.  You see, I’d let a bad situation fester since early 2015 where I basically gave into fear of my work failing and let someone bully me.  I’ve never felt so uncomfortable or small as I did in the presence of this man, the thought of seeing him at meetings made me cringe.   

Fortunately or unfortunately another situation arose, again in a public setting.  This time I conjured up the guts to seek for a 1-on-1 discussion to get rid of this monkey on my back.  I prayed for courage as I walked into that meeting ready to raise the Agaciro flag, and the opportunity came to do just that.  As we neared the end of one of the longest 45 minutes of my life, he said “the mistake your company made was to hire a Rwandan to look after this market and your passion brings negative energy!”  I froze for a moment and then smiled.  I proceeded to thank him for this compliment, the best thing he’d said to me in a while.  I went on to tell him passion is what fuels everything I put my heart into and nothing brings more joy than knowing I’m playing a small part in shaping Rwanda’s future and I won’t settle for less than the best.  I told him without passion, I wouldn’t be here, wouldn’t be employed and growing in my career, wouldn’t be a voice that never tires in advocating for a financially inclusive and cashless Rwanda and I’m not going to apologize for my passion.  I told him Rwanda was my country and I’m here to stay and relentlessly work to create an environment for our success even if it kills me, therefore he has to live with it as a guest in this country who can leave at any given moment. Finally, I told him people died for me to be here and I’d be remiss to let their sacrifice be in vain – can’t afford accept status quo nor can we give into intimidation when I know I’m doing what is right for our people/country.  Agaciro came and conquered, I was free at last.   

Ever dealt with someone who simply wouldn’t let you prosper and uses any opportunity to discredit you, question your integrity basically paralyze your mind? This was my nightmare for over a year, a real pain in more than by back side. It was ugly and everyone who knew us could tell considering there was a time we worked well together. What’s worse was that everyone who worked with him had been paralyzed in the mind having been undermined and belittled by him st one point or another. If you didn’t massage his ego, things were bad for you and there in was my dilemma. I paid a BIG price personally and professionally as my business too was impacted! 

Therefore I ask, what kind of environment are you working? Is it great? If yes, what are you doing to keep it that way growing from strength to strength? If not, why exactly isn’t it good? What/who (this may be biggest obstacle) is standing in the way? What are you doing about it?  If things aren’t going the way they should, it is our duty to correct it.  If someone is standing in the way, you do your best work with them, if they don’t cooperate, you challenge them and if they won’t listen, you go to someone they’ll listen to.  In many cases, they’ll hate and fight you for it, be prepared for the fight – it shall not be easy. Pray for courage and strength to BE the change, YOU have what it takes🙏🏾.

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I'm a passionate advocate for inclusive socio-economic development in Africa, particularly girls and women's empowerment.

0 Comments for "What does #Agaciro Really Mean To You? Part 2…(Long Read🙈)"

  • bankelele

    That’s powerful. More power to you.

    • LucyMbabazi

      Thank you Limo – humbling coming from you🙏🏾


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