
The second reason I’ll be voting for continued progress with RPF Inkotanyi is empowerment, particularly women.  In the last 7 years being on the ground, I can honestly say I have never felt more empowered.  

In every village across the country, women have equal access to services and opportunities and it is evident when I move around.  We are leaders in respective sectors and advocates for other women, without being sidelined.  Instead we are fully supported and organizations without at least 30% women ar scrutinized.  

Who you vote for is obviously personal and taking from my own journey, I’m certain I’d not have a career in economic development today without the opportunity I’ve had in Rwanda.  I mean:

  1. Where else in the world does a government ensure women aren’t outnumbered in the legislative arm of governance (parliament)? 
  2. Where else in the world does cabinet include at least 40% women, consistently? 
  3. Where else in Africa and really the world would a young woman like me, straight out of graduate school have the opportunity to LEAD the development of a national technology plan, LEAD the national ID agency, LEAD communications for the presidency / BE director of cabinet, BE Permanent secretary, BE Cabinet Member leading doing business for government, BE LEAD speech writer? I could go on and on.  
  4. Where else would a group of passionate young women quickly gain government support in promoting STEM among girls, and be given a platform to run a continental competition #MsGeek? 
  5. Where else on the continent is girls education and wellbeing championed than in Rwanda? More girls are enrolled in school today than ever before and government is doing all it can to collaborate with parents to keep girls in school.  We can continue this great progress. 
  6. Where else on the continent do we have a President who is truly HeForShe and is THE top champion for women? 

These are only a few the realities I’ve observed/experienced during my time in Rwanda.  It is only LEADERSHIP which believes in gender equality and equity and ensures EVERYONE is involved in building a secure future for our country.  And more specifically, the leadership of President Kagame. 

I’m sure there are millions of stories to share as evidenced by the numbers of women out campaigning for continued progress in achieving gender equality and equity in Rwanda with RPF Inkotanyi led by President Kagame.  I proudly join them. 

Published in Africa


I'm a passionate advocate for inclusive socio-economic development in Africa, particularly girls and women's empowerment.

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