
There’s nothing more inspiring than seeing a vision on paper, working to make it a reality and especially SEEING the results in lives of people being simplified for the better. This is by far the most exciting aspect of this 8 year journey, in spite of the long hours, sleepless nights, tears (which I cried in an airport today), sneers, noses down my face, straight up intimidation, name it-I probably have seen or faced it on this journey.!

But dare I say, when the day comes where at least 50% Africans are banked and transacting digitally (cashless) to keep money in Africa’s treasuries to fund our development and make us financially independent i.e. off aid/foreign loans, this all will have been absolutely worth it.

As I sit on this flight, that is almost 24 hours out of my way because mother nature had other plans, couldn’t help but stop to think about this choice I’ve made to spend my life working for the digital and financial inclusion of Africans, EVERYWHERE!

For a moment today, as I spoke with my husband waiting for the flight, I broke down – right there in the airport restaurant, with people surrounding me, I just cried like a baby. My husband, who always finds the right things to say, reminded me of the first time we met when I assured him that I was going home to build the continent and inspired him to return after nearly 20 years away, with no plans to do so. He reminded me of how far cashless Rwanda has come and encouraged me to always remember the lives touched by my work. I cried even more before putting myself together as he cracked jokes, as usual to put a smile on my face. It was one of my most vulnerable moments.

One thing is for sure, I never planned for this cashless “thing,” never dreamt it, never thought this would be my cause until I stumbled upon it thanks to a great man, who inspired me to return home and be part of shaping Rwanda’s technology future. I always thought I’d be a policy maker in the office of my beloved president, but God had other plans….and here I am chasing the #CashlessAfrica dream.

Here are a few thoughts about purpose which drives many into leadership, servant leadership in particular.

  1. Leadership is a role that finds you.
  2. Leadership is a CHOICE born out of a deep desire to change your surroundings for the better, inspired by injustice or need. This choice will confront you with the question, if not me, then who?
  3. Leadership is that indescribable thing that keeps you FOCUSED and PERSISTENTLY working on that cause, which you come to believe is your purpose.
  4. Leadership is choosing to give of yourself many a time, taking you away from loved ones and family events and more.
  5. Leadership is NOT glamorous in the least bit, don’t be blinded by the travel and lifestyle of living out of a suitcase on the road. It is a lonely existence most of the time and you spend most of it working that you come back to crash for a few hours of zzzz before waking up early to do it again.
  6. Leadership is choosing to speak up at the right time for things to be better, where – this will not win you fans as most of us are thinking about food at our tables before all else, which I understand.
  7. Leadership is choosing everyday to stay the course in spite of vehement resistance, this I have now grown accustomed to. Be prepared with self love and immovable belief/passion for what you are doing!
  8. Leadership is DOING.
  9. Leadership is a commitment to purpose to the end.
  10. . Leadership is a lonely place and you must find those loving REAL people to quench your soul and encourage you ONWARD.

As you choose this path, be prepared for the TASK. It will not be easy, it’s not meant to be. I pray you’ll have the courage to stay the course.

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