
Excellence is a quality people really appreciate, because it’s so hard to find.

Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something.  To be excellent means you being your very best to everything you do. You show up wholly and wholeheartedly to work on something to achieve the best results, NEVER once settling for less i.e. mediocrity.

After kindness, the most important quality in a human is excellence, and it must be a daily pursuit.

Unfortunately, many prefer mediocrity making excellence that more important for you to strive for, a quality every one appreciates, even those who use it against you. For these ones remember the great African proverb that says, A lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep.

How will you show up for your next given or chosen assignment?

What will you want others to learn from how you show up?

My hope, especially for you Africa’s youth starting out on your careers and building family, is that Excellence carries and guides you in everything you set out to do. Lead with kindness and I have no doubt, you will excel.

Published in Uncategorized


I'm a passionate advocate for inclusive socio-economic development in Africa, particularly girls and women's empowerment.

2 Comments for "Pursue Excellence, Only."

  • Osee Nkurikiyimana

    Thank you for the piece of writing, EXCELLENCE is a quality that is rare to find. I work in local authorities where you find so many people serving institutions just to get paid. Not with heart, no much input invested, just to get paid.

    Excellence is a value that does not only enables quality output but also, that leads to satisfaction at work and serve as a future investment for those who will need you as an employee or for your future initiatives. You learn a lot with this value because you always stive to be the best in what you do.

    For youthful people like me, let’s take note.

    Thank you, Mbabazi, you are the best!


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