
Few weeks back, I applied for a criminal record clearance certificate through Irembo.  Process to apply and pay couldn’t be more easy.  Congratulations to our Ministry of Justice, Prosecutor General and Rwanda Online Team on a job well done using ICT to simplify application and payment. 

However after the payment, process can be simpler.  As it is today,  

  1. You receive SMS confirming application and payment. 
  2. You then receive SMS telling you to pick up your document where you applied (confusing especially when you applied at Irembo site).  I had to call someone I know who’s gone through the process to figure out where exactly I get the document. I was directed to the Prosecution office housed in the same compound as the Supreme Court, High Court and Ministry of Justice. I was told if you know someone there you can call so you don’t wait for long.   I did call, thankfully, they didn’t pick so I had the pleasure of going through the process.  I needed to experience it so that i could advocate for better.
  3. At NPPA you must be there by 1100Hrs and they’ll be reading out all names of people who’ve applied. If you are lucky enough to be called sooner, count your blessings.  Otherwise you could wait a while.  
  4. When your name is called, you step to the front. Walked up relieved only to be told, “tegereza tugusinyire” – “wait and we sign for you.” As you can imagine I was perplexed wondering why they bothered sending me SMS and called me up when document isn’t signed. 

Process can be simplified as follows:

  1. Only send confirmation when document is ready i.e. printed, signed and stamped for now until we have esignature in place. 
  2. Introduce a number system as Rwanda Immigration has. Instead of someone calling our names for an hour straight, put a number system allow people to pick a number and wait our turn.  When turn comes, check ID, find ready document, give it to customer and let them continue with their day. 
  3. Lead the charge to mobilize support and resources for RISA to implement the government enterprise architecture project, which was to bring all government services to one site to simplify information sharing and services delivery. 

Look forward to seeing this service and more services improve swiftly.  Counting on  you Minister Busingye on seeing this through.  Thank you.

Published in Africa


I'm a passionate advocate for inclusive socio-economic development in Africa, particularly girls and women's empowerment.

2 Comments for "Let’s simplify the Criminal Record Clearance Certificate process. #Rwanda2020"

  • Clement Uwajeneza

    We can even do better. Instead of receiving an SMS with instructions on how to download your eCopy of the Criminal Record Certificate.
    Thank you Lucy. We and RISA need to just take this as an urgent task.

    • LucyMbabazi

      An eCopy would be great. Unfortunately many places require a certified, and they aren’t appreciative of the eCopy. Let us do even better, we have what it takes.


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