Troubled by the memory of my auntie and cousins, who’d been visiting us in Uganda as the tensions were rising in Rwanda ahead of the Arusha agreements. ย My auntie’s husband worked in the government and told her things were going well and that see and the kids should come back home. On April 3rd, 1994, […]
In a group discussion, a comrade pointed out that The Great Lee Kuan Yew argued that Western-democracy was not suitable for all nations, and that young countries needed stability and economic development before they could afford the luxury of democracy and personal liberty in a Western mold. I think Mr. Yew was spot on […]
1st #Umuganda Day of 2015 Every last Saturday of the month is #Umuganda day. #Umuganda is a day village communities around Rwanda get together to clean up or help build someone a home or something. Everyone is encouraged to go. Those that don’t go pay a fine of RWF 5000. On this 31st of January […]
May I suggest a check list for requirements for declarations and other documents should be posted so this is a one day process. Checklist and process should be posted to ensure efficient services that save citizens the runaround. Thank you in advance. Kicukiro police station is definitely trying my patience. Trying very hard not to […]
In 2010, my debit card, mostly known as ATM card, was only used to withdraw the maximum cash I could from the one bank that provided so I didn’t have to go back. It was costly and I always had to be worried about theft etc. Today, I can use my debit card to pay […]
A challenging 2014 ended on a high note – 2015 begun with pure joy and laughter. I believe that 2015 will be awesome because we shall strive to make it so๐๐. Grateful that we live to see another year. Hope to write more๐. Peace and Love
Enter any hair salon in America and you will see every hairdresser’s and barber certificate nicely pinned to the wall. You cannot touch anyone’s head unless you have been trained and graduated from beauty school. Additionally, only a certified hairdresser or barber can open a salon and it must meet basic industry standards. Begs the […]
Last week’s viral Nanny Video is a wake up call and cause for change in how we in Africa do things with respect to hiring people at home and in office or in between. We certainly can borrow a leaf from countries that have laid the foundation for background checks for employment. In the U.S. […]
I do my best not to judge because, I’m far from perfect – with many shortcomings, and very much a work in progress. However something has got to be said about the drinking in our society. Each time I go out on a night in the town, my heart breaks because the amounts of alcohol […]
On my daily evening walk today – I witnessed something that reminded me of that Good Samaritan story in the Bible. No sooner had we begun walking than we encountered an old lady sitting on the roadside. I hadn’t even seen her because without my glasses – at night – it’s hard to notice all […]