A 26 year old young man, close to my heart has recently affirmed the danger of self diagnosis that seems to be rampant these days. For over a year now, he’s been having “stomach” issues – later told he had symptoms of ulcers which he took as bible! 6 months ago, he begun having severe […]
“That’s how it is!” “That’s how we always do things!” “You can’t ask superiors questions!” “That’s against our culture!” These statements among many make my stomach churn, especially when uttered by my peers and youth. What’s worse is the eagerness to impress foreigners when they could give a damn about fellow country men and women/Africans. […]
Last weekend I was honored to be part of an event that brings eternal joy. Why because it was the result of youth in Uganda – asking what they can do for their country, and going out there to do everything possible to do it! One of the members @beewol – tells the tale! http://wp.me/p2iE9I-fQ […]
Umuganda (community day) is one of my favorite things in Rwanda and I have done my best to participate since I got back home over 3 years ago. My faith in our national rebuilding is strengthened each time I go to Umuganda because we actually do clean and discuss community issues along with those other […]
The world remains beset by much human suffering, poverty & deprivation. It is in your hands to make of our world a better one for ALL, especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalized! Nelson Mandela
Saturday, March 8th 2014 – International Women’s Day, Girls in ICT Rwanda celebrated the day by crowning our first ever Miss Geek Rwanda (you can follow the #MsGeekRw hashtag on twitter for more details). Nancy Sibo, an Agriculture Engineering Student from the University of Rwanda was crowned Miss Geek Rwanda 2014. She competed among 25 […]
New law stipulates if mother goes back to work after 6weeks, they get 100% benefits otherwise 20%. So someone wakes up in the morning and thinks, it should be a good idea to cut benefits of new mothers to less than minimal, because, oh well – it’s expensive – after all they aren’t working?! What’s […]
Perspective is so important – especially in socio-economic development! All you have to do is travel within the region and you will see that our Rwanda is pretty AMAZING! It’s easy to complain about many things about home when home, as we should, BUT more importantly we should be doing something about that which we […]
Usually, I see a car/twegerane/bus/the dreaded Fusos & trailers on the road and think its an isolated incident BUT then you drive several pass you by and begin to wonder, and then it becomes normal! Sadly, this has become a daily occurrence and it makes me rather concerned. The quality of public transportation minivans or […]
One of my best days in 2013 was April 25th – Girls in ICT Day. In my previous blog I talked about my focus on moldable minds and Girls in ICT presented my first opportunity. High school girls from Gashora, LDK, LDNC, Riviera, NuVision, FAWE joined Rwanda Girls in ICT to celebrate the day in […]