
Tea Time: The Way It Should Be. Thank you @CarlManlan

I am a tea lover and will choose to have it over any beverage anywhere. Our household especially loves black tea with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, lemongrass and mint. As usual, I boil water, put our special spice mix and a teabag for only seconds because the doctor says I should limit my caffeine. […]

Homemade is BEST

I loooooove sweet things and many times gravitate toward dessert first to determine my main when I go out to eat. If dessert is good, I shall eat a light meal, mostly salad and top it off with dessert, hehe. Anyway, went grocery shopping yesterday and it took a lot for me to not get […]

Rise, I know you CAN. 

In life we are dealt with various hands some good, some bad and some simply ugly.  It is how we manage and overcome them that reveals who we are.   Hardship or plain ugliness will befall us as we journey on to becoming our best selves.  People, yes even your friends and family, will work […]

The Ability To Move Is Freedom 2. 

I received these pictures this morning of Richard going to work on his own.  Tears of Joy filled my morning, my year may have just been made.   How it all started. To whom much is given…. May we always rise to occasion to give of ourselves to help others stand on their own. […]

The Ability to Move is FREEDOM.

Have you ever stopped to appreciate your two legs and the ability to move about as you choose?  Well, I was reminded of this yesterday thanks to Richard our most known and loved agent in the neighborhood whom I wrote about last month.  Link below. Our efforts to get a kiosk were futile and […]