As leaders, we have the responsibility to cultivate a culture of collective success in order to have an impact on employees and build a successful organization. Leadership and culture start with those chosen to “lead”. It is our responsibility to be a positive influence by inspiring our people to give and do their […]
Inspiring last words from the great Steve Jobs (RIP ) on what matters most in this journey of life. Powerful reminder to life to the fullest, treat yourself well and cherish others. Original article written by Anantha Krishnan. “I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life […]
This morning I’ve enjoyed some of the best reads on #leadership, thought I’d share😃. It is my hope that you are as inspired as I am. How to be BRAVE – Know the value of doing the right things. POWERFUL 🙏🏾. If we give people authority, we get leaders #Leadership is a calling […]
It is rather unfair and discriminatory to not have some countries included on your lists! Most Africans have to call a friend abroad to buy apps because you don’t list our countries on your list, as if our cards don’t carry global payment brands. It is NOT right and such discrimination must end! […]
Amazed at the length hawkers go to best the system by employing innovative ways to sell and put food on the table. Today, as I walked into my one of my meetings today, I found two ladies with shirts for sale, taking out one by one ever sotheir handbags, selling to the receptionist. […]
*CHINUA ACHEBE* “A man who calls his kinsmen to a feast does not do so to redeem them from starving. They all have food in their own houses. When we gather together in the moonlight village ground, it is not because of the moon. Every man can see it in his own compound. We come […]
Last week, one of the youth in my life asked me what true patriotism is to me. What a question! After picking my jaw up, dropped by a question from an eighteen year old, I answered. True patriotism is the willingness to do whatever it takes to make this country (and continent) better for ourselves […]
What a powerful message! A pick me up on your toughest days when you want to quit but are reminded what you are doing is for a purpose bigger than your problem. This message inspires you to stay the course. Thank God for the minds who put such inspiring words together.
Few weeks back, I had a chance encounter with a young man, Isaac. He was a great reminder of how God truly works in mysterious ways. On a late ride home, around 9pm, I stopped to pick up a lone student hitching for a ride. I never stop to pick up hitchhikers for obvious reasons, […]
To me, Agaciro means treating others with dignity and supporting them in realizing their dreams. Success is sweeter and more rewarding when it is shared, which makes us our brothers’/sisters’ keepers. Therefore, I can’t be a stumbling block in someone’s path to success. It is part of living a dignified happy life. Last week, […]