I previously wrote about doing what it takes to achieve results. Continuing in the same spirit, to me Agaciro means in pursuing great results, we must create a environment conducive for success. We therefore can’t afford to settle for less that what we, our people and future generations deserve. We must use each day to […]
Agaciro – dignity and value – by far has been one of the most inspiring and life changing principles emphasized by President Kagame. He not only speaks of Agaciro but relentlessly pursues & stands up for it, EVERYDAY. Are we doing the same? I’ve been reflecting on how Agaciro manifests itself in my life and […]
Africa shall be truly free and developed when we take full charge of our affairs. We can’t sit back and wait for “help!” No! Indeed, this is our time! Last few weeks as I do what I do best, be an Ambassador for Rwanda and Africa’s development, I encountered the statement: “it is good […]
You have been given a voice, use it to empower yourself and those after you. Last week I participated in a panel about customer service in Rwanda and highlighted importance of speaking out about bad service to ensure change. One participant asked me to shed light on “speaking up” given that it seems many […]
Success of a country begins and ends with leadership, leadership which can draw out a vision, boldly go for it and stay the course in spite of insurmountable odds. This is rare these days, especially on our continent. What I’ve witnessed in the few days at this 27th Africa Union Summit/months leading up to it, […]
“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” Commencement Address at Yale […]
Last week at the 23rd annual World Travel Awards (WTA) for Africa and Indian Ocean at Gemma Dell est Zanzibar, Serena Hotels won the night with, get this, 12 awards. You read right, 12 awards in one evening – let that marinate. WTA celebrates excellence by rewarding the best in the travel and tourism industry, […]
In order to run a business in the city, you need an annual “patente.” This is a business license, why we still call it patente beats me, but that’s another story. You see in the past, we’ve paying the required cleaning services for the whole year. However, we have been told, get this, there is […]
I recently had an opportunity to be invited to a brainstorming session on how to make Internet to all a reality. At one point I suggested eGovernance would be a key driver, but one of the participants shot it down quickly, saying she was tired of the eGovernment song, and went to ask, “where are the killer apps?” In […]
Happy Women’s day Ladies. S/O to our men who advocate for the ladies, every day. I had the pleasure of joining MTN Rwanda staff celebrations, it was quite nice and the MC had me cracking up each time he spoke :-). My highlight was a deeply moving presentation and call to join them in the fight against […]